- Introducing solid foods
- 2 hour ‘parties’ in your own home with up to 8 couples to explore introducing solids together
- What foods to begin with
- Baby led feeding
- Having fun with food
- Spoon feeding
- Dental Care
- Pacing
- How much milk?
- Feeding your toddler
- Managing fussy eating
- Portion size
- Food refusal
Initial up to 90 minute consultation at home or via Skype £70
Follow up face to face or Skype support, per 60 minutes £40
Follow up detailed e-mail support, per response £10
Block of five e-mail responses £35
Telephone contact, per 30 minute call £25
Weaning parties in your home, 90 minute session for between 5 and 8 couples, per couple £25.00